Welcome to TenaflyGuy.com!
Think you know all there is to know about
Jon-Erik Hexum? Well think again!
You don't know Jack!
Art by Nino Golia
You may have heard about Jon-Erik Hexum from
TV, movies, magazines, and the Internet.
Now it's time to get acquainted with Jack Hexum,
The man inside the celebrity!

One of the most beautiful men to ever grace Hollywood in the 1980s was Jon-Erik Hexum. With those stunning Norwegian good looks, piercing crystal blue eyes, chiseled jawline and body builder physique, you couldn't help but notice him.
Sadly, his career lasted only 2 years. Yet Jack left a lasting impression on the hearts and minds of those that were lucky enough to know him in person, as well as the fans that loved him onscreen. He was slated to be the next big action hero, but there was so much more to Jack Hexum than the celebrity we saw on TV every week.
Inside the star persona was a man with a heart of gold, one who personally corresponded with fans by writing notes on the back of scripts he was working on, or chatted on the phone with girls who pulled his number out of the phone book and called just to get the chance to hear that velvet bass voice on the other end.
Friends that knew Jack knew him as a true friend. If he saw that you were down, he'd work hard to cheer you up. He loved helping people whenever he could, even carrying flares in the trunk of his car in case he came upon an accident. If you needed it, and he had it, he'd give you the last $10 in his pocket. Just a sweet, humble, kind man, the type you could count on to support you no matter what.

Many reporters who interviewed him spoke of how he would get them talking about themselves, because he was genuinely interested in how they were doing. He loved people.
He would arrive to interviews on time, and without an entourage. No pretenses. Just an average guy who happened to work in TV and movies. And despite fame and notoriety, he remained the same person he was in his early days in Tenafly, New Jersey. Fame didn't impress him much. He just wanted to be a great actor, and a good person. He was all that, and so much more.
Real men like Jack are a rarity in the plastic surgery botoxed superficial Hollywood we see today, and that's a shame. He was definitely one of a kind!

There are many websites on the Internet that remember Jon-Erik Hexum the celebrity. Tenafly Guy would like to celebrate Jack, the man inside the star.
​So come on in, get comfortable, take a look around.
Get acquainted with Jack, the hunk with the heart of gold!
We guarantee you'll learn something about him that you never knew before!

Attention dear friends and loyal readers: We are in the process of moving our site to this new home! After 6 years with our previous host, it no longer meets our needs. It's time for a new home, something bigger and better! Like George and Wheezy, we're moving on up!
Pardon our dust, you may experience down pages and messed up links during the transition but we promise, it will be worth it in the end! Stay tuned here for more!
@2010 Tenafly Guy